A seminar on classical results in Algebraic Topology
This is a seminar on classical results in Algebraic Topology.
The seminar is modeled on the seminar organized by Dan Kan in MIT.
Each week, one of the participants will give a talk about a classical paper in Algebraic Topology (most of the papers are from the 50's-70's).
We will try to reinterpret and simplify (some of) the papers using the modern language of ∞-categories and higher algebra.
The meetings take place on Sundays at 10:00-12:00 (note the time change!), in Sprinzak 27.
If you are going to participate, please let me know by email at shay.benmoshe@mail.huji.ac.il.
Also, look at the papers suggestion, and try to pick one.
Feel free to talk to me, e.g. by email.
The first two talks will be introductory, and serve as a background for many of the other talks.
Everyone is encouraged to give a talk some time at the semester.
There are many great classical papers in Algebraic Topology.
A handful of papers are listed below, just give you some ideas.
There are a lot more wonderful papers, many of them listed in the lists linked below.